Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Write about a time you thought about running away. (G. Jiminez

One time I wanted to run away cause I felt that no one apprecated me. I dont know why cause that was so long ago ,but I feel that if any one feels that they want to run away they should talk to someone about it first.

Linoleum Roses"

~~In your future marriage, who will be dominant in your relationship? (R. Stanton)

I would be cause I could never let anyone think they control over me cause im my on person with my on rules and they will do as I say .

"The Three Sisters"

If you could have just one wish, what would you wish for, and why? (

I wish for all the gang violence to stop . The reason why I say this is because a bullet doesnt have a name on it im at risk just as well as any body else just to know you could get shot just by being in your own house that hurts ,also to hear about another young person who gets shot that lives so close to you just to know I use to see this person every day knowI will never see them again .Its to much for a young person to deal with .

Monday, June 2, 2008

Elenita Cards Palm Water"

~~What one thing would you like to know about your future? (K. Cortney)

Personally I wouldn't want to know about my future . I say this just because if whatever I wanted to know was good it wouldn't be the same just because I know and I'm probably going to do something different. For example, if I knew that i was going to be a lawyer when I grow up my attitude would probably change also the way I was preparing to become a lawyer would too,and then after all I most likely wouldn't become a lawyer.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Born Bad"

~~If I woke up tomorrow unable to walk..." (R. Stanton

I wouldn't know what to do just because I was born with them. Also because that's a big transition for me , matter of fact for any one . If something like that was to happened to me I would just try to make the best of it because I cant change it ,its like whats the use of crying over something that you can never change .What ever life brings at you its your choice if it will be bad or good.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Rice Sandwich"

~~Write about a time you got in trouble in school. (J. Stephenson

Well one day I got in trouble in Mr.Latman class for sitting behind the piano in class. He said me in my Friend tuda was trying to hide in ,which is kind of funny because I felt that the situation was very stupid cause why would I go to class on time then hide behind a piano when there is alot of subs in the school.I guess it just wasn't his day.

Friday, May 30, 2008

"The Family of Little Feet"

~~Write about the impact your image has on you as a teen. (E. Evans

well people that really don't know me would always say that I'm coincided but I'm not.when that person eventually gets to know me they would say that I'm a nice person. I think that no one should judge any one cause no one is perfect so how could you judge someone when your not no better than the next person. For example if i was to say Mr. Latman talks funny I'm not in the right to say that cause I'm not perfect also he probably feels the same way about me.